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Primary Mission
Our students have taken it upon themselves to raise money and awareness for the Humane Society of Columbus, Indiana.  This walk is the student's way of giving back to our community's Human Society.  We are raising money to help the Humane Society build their new facilities and care for our community's pets.

Secondary Mission
With our nation's obesity rate as a hot-topic currently, it is important that children learn from a young age the importance of being active.  Like their human counterparts, our furry friends also need regular excersise.  In addition to helping the Humane Society, we will be helping the youth of Columbus form healty habits through outdoor activities.

Our Missions

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Volunteer to Help Us
We are always looking for parents or guardians to help us with our event.

Community Partners
Interested in setting up a booth on the day of our walk? Want to come into school and share how you are helping our community?

Register to Walk
Make a difference in our community and in your health. Register to walk with your family or furry friend today!

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